Part 26: Interdimensional Showdown
Chapter 25 Interdimensional ShowdownLast chapter we cleared Demiurge Tower right up to the threshold of the final boss.
But we cant fight no final boss, not when we have so much fun side content to do first!
First, we have one completely pointless thing to see in Nohl.

Haha, geddit? Girls getting fat is funneee!
Sharon is also available for a scene in Tanza.

And thats that.
Now we have guild quests to complete. Yay.

So were going to Thunder Mine. Lovely, we get to experience more dull and grey.

Oh goody.

The lunkheads will stay here searching for a stone. Im not even sure if this is connected to the quest were doing, or if its just something that will happen if you randomly check Thunder Mine.

To find what were looking for, we must complete this puzzle first. No, theres no indicator that its here when were doing the quest.
Anyway, to get up that ledge, you need to:
-Galea punch one of those rocks.
-Lower the stone pillar with Kazan, get on it, and raise it again.
-Have Ayne push the face block.
-Shoot the creature with Arrode.
-Lower yourself and break another rock.
-Raise yourself and walk off the pillar onto the rock and block.
-Have Rivas grow the vines.
To think we went through the final dungeon and didnt encounter a single puzzle, let alone one with this many steps.

Stiel is here, with one of those crystal things from Demiurge Tower.

Despite being right in front of us, Stiel gets to ambush us and act first.

Against Stiel, one of our Tireless Ribbon abilities comes in handy: No Double Attack prevents Stiel from acting twice in one go. This makes Stiel significantly less deadly.

Unfortunately, his attacks still cause status effects, which will complicate our efforts to defeat him.
Stiel is tough enough to endure a Variable Art and more, but he goes down eventually. What helps is that Sharon has learned Max AP, allowing her to endlessly use Hyper Arts while Lang and Ayne use regular and Variable Arts.
Click the image below to see Stiel get his ass beat.

And then its gone.

And the scene awkwardly ends on that note. Stiel just pisses off, leaving us with his odd revelation.
Figuring that Stiel was older than he appeared could be guessed from hearing him talk about Kravia, but him being a monster from another dimension, forced into human form? And immortal too? Its a twist, sure, but one you could never even guess at.
Theres a camp chat on this, as it were.

We head back to the guild.

Sonnet: The other 50,000 G is from Stiel. He didnt say why. Just told me to give it to you. I wonder why ?
Yeah, Stiel just gave us 50000 for kicking his ass. Trying to ask him about this doesnt accomplish anything.
Anyway, we have one last quest to do: Invaders from Another World. Given the name of the quest and Stiels revelations, youd think hed be involved, but no

But the lunkheads are!

Balzac only just noticed Langs muscles despite him putting them on display for all to see.

Anyway, we head to Drokonia, where the invaders are coming. Why anyone would care about a volcanic island being overrun with aliens is beyond me.

What a surprise.
Anyway, we head into Drokonias interior. You know, the place you needed a fancy rock from Jinga to enter?

We can have a camp chat about this while Balzac sobs nearby.

We press on, as Ayne suggested. We find Phanta further in

Nogartaris is tough enough to tank a Variable Art and has double attacks (negated by the Tireless Ribbon), but he goes down in one round nonetheless.

Something loud is heard, causing Lang to look about.

Cocky Lang tells Phanta to take Balzac to safety.

And they leave. We can now camp chat about this.

Who thought this? Lang or Maya?

Anyway, let us confront the leader.

The climax of these sidequests, and they couldnt do better than a pallet swapped Storm Idol.

Ruglionaut can take a beating. Lang and Sharon have Max AP now, meaning I can use a Variable Art every round, but even then, Ruglionaut lasts a while.
We still beat him handily.
Click here to see Storm Idols attacks for the first time.

However, while Kenjiro says this, there are much stronger things than Ruglionaut to fight in this game.

The guild gives us more than the 240000 promised by the original listing. We also get an Exorcist Katana, but this is worthless by now.
For completing all the guild quests, we get the Iron Hunter and Guildmaster nicknames, as well as a Heavens Secret. We are now done with the guild and will never have to interact with it again.

We met this guy ages ago when first coming to the guild. Hes very easy to forget, but hell show up again during our end-game content run through.
Stekin: Lang, ol buddy. If you keep going the way youve been going, it wont be long until you break Stiels record! And when you do, I want you to make me your manager! Then the two of us will go to the arena in Phorchoon .And then my dreams will all come true! Hoo boy! Ill be rooting for you! Dont let me down, Lang, ol buddy!
Anyway, having saved Phanta and Balzac, they have something to say at their Tanza hangout.

Balzac gives us 30 Dream Burgers. They are utterly worthless to us at this point in the game.

We get a choice. We can say Thats it?, I wasnt trying to help you! or Thats good to hear. Cocky Langs not gonna be a dick now.

Phanta casually hits her implied romantic partner once again. Isnt love wonderful?

And thats it.
Stekin mentioned hitting up the Phorchoon arena. What better place for end game content?
Join me next time, where we clear the Phorchoon arena and a special challenge on Jinga.